Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Skyler called from school and wasn't feeling well, so I went to pick her up. I heard her coughing last night from 4:30 until she got up for school. Anyway, I was doing laundry and she asked me where a certain pair of jeans were and I told her they were in the dryer. She started worrying about it because she said she had left money in them. I had to assure her that the only thing that happens to washed money is that it gets clean. Light years ago when I was married to Jamie, we were getting ready to leave for Charlotte, NC, 3 hours away, to see Led Zeppelin. And all our traveling cash was in the pockets of my jeans which were in the dryer when I remembered it. I'll never forget how much I worried about that $60.00-- 3 twenties, in the dryer. I was certain it would disintegrate or something.

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