Monday, April 10, 2006

I've Got The Urge

Okay. (deep breath) So I've raised two beautiful children. My son has been on his own for a long time and my daughter is almost 18. Being a Mother suits me. Being in a supportive, nurturing role, that is. I'm that friend who'll straighten your collar, will always hug you when I see you, if appropriate. If not, you'll receive the warm two-handed shake. Being a Mother for so long has sharpened my intuition. You may get a surprise phone call from me just because I sensed you needed to talk or an out-of-the-blue package or email. I don't act on all my intuitions for fear I may be wrong and annoy somebody, and some are too strong to ignore. I'll soon be knee-deep in the 'empty nest' syndrome amd what will I do then with this urge to nurture?

What did I do with myself before I had someone to take care of? Oh... Never mind.

The urge to nurture may explain my newfound love for gardening and my trying to establish a home bird sanctuary. (I can imagine those who know me are letting out a resounding, "Duh!".) I nurture the tiny seeds in their tiny pots and lovingly sprinkle them with water, give 'em a proper dose of sunlight, and maybe a bit of flower kibble. I've covered the yard with hummingbird paraphenalia. I'm watching four nests of cardinals. And I have an agreement with the neighborhood cats. Their clandestine visits are inevitable, so I buy them food now, too. (koi pond idea on hold)

When the Mother Earth cracks open and tender seedlings begin to sprout, you'll find me doing the happy dance and squealing like a stuck pig. When I saw the first (migratory) hummingbird of the season? Second verse; same as the first.

It helps to have something else at home to take care of, and I still lovingly nurture my family somewhat but it's not the same and never will be. I can't really complain, because it's been a lovely run. It's just that it's ending far too soon.

I have learned to view a garden as a living thing, with its seasons and flamboyance, its subtleties and surprises, its lives and its deaths. It makes it easier for me to deal with this next chapter in my life.

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