Tuesday, September 7, 2004

What a vision of loveliness I am today. I'm wearing a homemade eye patch and I realize it's time to make an appt with the Eye Doc for real this time. After a little time looking at the monitor the strain is so great I have to leave it. Sometimes when it starts bothering me, I can't look at it or the television at all until the next day. I've been online probably one fifth of the time I'm usually online which means I've not been able to visit all my sweet friends. Please don't take it personally if I've not touched base with you recently.

Robin, my sister, went to Vegas for the long weekend and won't be back until Thursday. Lucky Duck. She loves to gamble. Loves it. It's still hard to believe how far she's come since Christmas of last year. Other than losing a lot of her hair, she's doing pretty well now. As well as a cirrhosis (sp?) patient can be doing. Wish we could get her to blog a little more often.

I continue to thank my higher power for small favors and for big favors. Much love to you...


Shirl said...

Oh man, Susan. I've been missing you! And I sure wish your eyes were doing better! Thanks for the update on Robin. I'm glad she's out in Vegas. You both mean a lot to me!

Karen said...

I hope your eye is OK! Yes, time to see the doc.

I'm so glad Robin is doing so well now and I hope she's having so much fun in Vegas!!