Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Do you have a neighborhood in your area that does the lighting of the luminaries? You know, the votive candles set in sand inside a white bag that line the streets? Mother's neighborhood does that every year. Someone collects the money for the candles and bags and delivers them and you put them out on a certain date. This Saturday at dusk til 11pm is our time for that. Cars come from all over the place and drive with their parking lights on only. It's bumper to bumper and the cops direct traffic. Quite a sight. They usually get an aerial photo which is astounding. With all the Christmas/Holiday controversy, and non-Christians that also live here, I'm a little surprised they named the event "Lights For Jesus" but no one's said anything about it.

I DO have the Christmas tree all assembled. And it's so beautiful. I brought down the decorations from the attic and the lights and other items that go throughout the house and outdoors. Next I'm going to put out some outdoor stuff. Mother's finishing a burgundy velvet bow to go on the gold and burgundy decorated outdoor straw wreath. She's the bowmaker around the family and master present wrapper.

Are you a good present wrapper? I'm not so good at it myself, but I always enjoy wrapping presents so much.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I haven't head of the Luminaries for a couple of years now, and certainly not one all together like that. Our neighborhood had luminaries out in yards the Christmas after 911. It was neat seeing all.

YAY for the tree.

I love putting gifts in bags LOL I'll wrap as the last resort ;-)