Saturday, September 17, 2005

Daughter dear is still asleep. She went to a football game last night with friends and was home by 11. Hubby and I were discussing decadent pastries and breads and he decided to go to the bakery on Main Street and see what they have good this morning. Since moving to Hendersonville, we really enjoy the quaint Main Street vibe here. Literally. It has a thriving night life with several outdoor cafes and a few little clubs that have live music so it's always lively. The old bakery has an old wooden plank floor and is a small, shotgun style building. I'll have to look for some photos of our little Main Street. Can't wait to see what hubby comes home with.

UPDATE - 10.42am
Hubby came home with a box of goodies. I'm more of a plain jane when it comes to food where he loves all the fruits and frills and extra flavors, etc. He brought home key lime cookies, wedding tea cakes, coconut squares, lemon bars, date bars, bear claws....that's all I believe. I'm eating a coconut square and it's SO rich, I can't tell you how rich it is. I could only eat half of it. Maybe have the other half tonight. Excuse me while I drift off into sugar shock......mmmmmmmmmmm


Karen said...

Mmmm... key lime cookies? Mmmmm... making me hungry.......

I hope you've had a great day! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your weekend!
Love Jeanne

Shirl said...

that whole list is causing some salivation issues over here on the other side. Mmmmm.