Friday, July 15, 2005

I went for a mammogram today and was surprised to have the doctor read the x-rays right on the spot and speak to me about it. The last one I had done a few years ago, I had to wait a week or so for the x-rays to be sent to my doctor to read.

So, the good news is that everything looks like it's supposed to look. On the inside, that is. The outside is still smushed up and trying to revert back to it's old lady droopy tit stage. It's a damn shame the gravity on saggy boobs can't do something useful like pull down the wrinkles from around your eyes or something.

Anyway, looks like we'll go to Plan B. How appropriate!


Karen said...

They must have started consulting right away because the doc actually told me the results right then too, and she even rescanned the ultrasound too to make sure the tech got all the pics needed. I was impressed. I'm glad everything is OK... but damn the saggies. I'm starting those myself. LOL


Shirl said...

I shirley *hehheh* am pleased to hear this news, Susan! (Pleased enough that I'm risking typing at work, LOL!)

Happy happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that all is well, Susan!