Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Name of Essence

Our parents chose a name - often even before we were born.
We have carried that name over the years, whether we have used it or not.

How relevant is it? Does it accurately define the being that we are - or have come to be in the years since our first name was given?

Those many years they have called you Susan Cook

From this day onward
you may also know yourself as Beloved Celebration


Okay.....who will you be?


Julie said...

Those many years they have called you julie strahan

From this day onward
you may also know yourself as Humorous Swami

well, if nothing else, I find that humourous :)

Julie said...

Just as an aside - when I was on my way, I was meant to be a James. They'd planned that name from day one.
'Course, first born was always going to be a boy. But I wasn't. So... Julie, after some Shirley Jones musical at the time!!! (The shame!!)
Two years later, along comes my brother - first born son. And they called him......


Sudeaux Lux said...

Oh, wow! Great story, Julie! I, too, was first born and a daughter. My intended name was *Michael*. I recently asked Mother why she chose Susan, but there was no real reason.

Anybody else have a birth name story?

Shirl said...

Those many years they have called you shirley
From this day onward
you may also know yourself as Wonderful Luminary

I was named Shirley, after my grandpa's nickname. Go figure.

Each kid had a different almost name in our family.

Jeff-Betty (Mom had to miss her bestfriend's wedding)

We were all so sure that the last child was going to be a girl that they had only selected Jacqueline. He was a boy: Grandpa said why not Daniel in the lion's den.


Thanks for letting me ramble!

Sudeaux Lux said...

Thanks for weighing in, James, Michael, and Thomas! Who else is out there lurking about?