Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I found a disposable digital camera that Robin had that had 10 pictures left to take on it. I wonder what the pictures she took will reveal.

She used to get those cameras from CVS drugstore all the time. You take your pictures, give it back to CVS. They keep the camera and give you the pictures back. I'm hoping they have the cd option, too. Then I can show you some pictures I'm taking around the house. I took one of some flowers, my dog Buddy, the back yard where I hope you're able to see the pond AND the green. Oh, and one of that huge peace lily her favorite cousin Ray sent when she passed. It's thriving like a mofo with 3 blooms(?) on it.

Whenever I can take the remaining 6 pictures and get them developed, I'll share them with you. I mean, everybody's doing it.

AND... the mystery remains of what pictures are on the camera that Robin took? So you could say I'm more than a little anxious to see this film!


Shirl said...

Oh how exciting to have some "mystery" photos, Susan! And how is your robin faring against the kitties?

I emailed bryn. She has dismantled her blog. She is caring for her mother. *sigh*

Good to be back on the internet!

Sudeaux Lux said...

So nice to have you back online. I always enjoy talking with you. Been a long time now through many ups and downs. :)

Mystery solved. I got the pictures developed (and cd) today and will post one of those pics of Robin soon! Maybe more. See my dogs on EBC!

I haven't heard the birdies anymore. I hope they FLEW away...

Thanks for the info on Bryn. I may email her, too.