Sunday, December 5, 2004

I'm glad I have this site on Blogspot. If it was still part of EBC, it wouldn't be working today either. I've having problems with my EBC and didn't know what in the world was wrong until finally I had the good sense to look at their website again today. They had emailed me a week ago to tell me about their move, but I didn't pay it a whole lot of attention. We're unable to FTP anything new to the server from Friday to Monday. Server is supposed to be up and running Monday, Dec 6.

Thought I'd better explain what's happening and why I had to miss the Saturday Morning Me. I tried to post it at 8:30 yesterday and tried every few hours in between coming and going, but kept getting a java error.

So that's the latest with me. Robin has posted again this weekend. She has four posts for this week. And Bob Dylan's on 60 Minutes tonight. Looking forward to that. Duke doesn't play again until Saturday, but I'm sure there's other good basketball teams playing that I'll watch, too.

Sending Love.....!


Shirl said...

Susan, I'm so glad you have this too! I kept wandering by EBC (and it even showed updated on my blogroll) but couldn't find you! So glad it's just technical difficulties.

We are standing by, prepared to welcome Dobber over to the good side of 50.

Take care, dear blogging friend!

Karen said...

I thought something was up when we couldn't do SMM! I hope EBC gets straightened out.

Hope you had a good weekend! *HUGS*