Monday, November 1, 2004

I found an old program I had called "Note Tab Light" that will count my words for me as I type. NaNoWriMo's a little frustrating in that it appears to be set up for return NaNo'ers. Newbies are a little lost, I'd think. If they go to so much trouble to set up the darn thing, what help do they give you? We should be able to go THERE and type our pseudo novel. Not waste hours and hours finding something to count the words. It's like, OK. We've got this excellent idea. All you have to do is everything and when you're through, come back and tell us all about it. When you do, our automatic bot thingy will count your words and send you an automatic thank you and then we're through with you. And, by the way, we could use some money to run this top shelf project.

Now. I feel better. I think I may have a moment or two while hubby's out of the house to try and work more on my little book! =)

1 comment:

Shirl said...

oh Susan! I didn't think about the word count thingee. I'm just too used to the microsoft stuff. *sigh*

And I didn't give them money my first year out. It has to be a good gig for them. But then I bought into it last year, and so . . .

Good luck, my dear friend!!!