Friday, July 2, 2004

I hate to be sick and hate to talk about being sick, but still feel like I need to say a few things.

Years ago when I was extremely vain, I was bulemic. I was hospitalized with it once. After probably 15 years of this abuse, I was finally able to get it under control years ago. But just because you no longer throw up, doesn't mean your internal self is fine. During that time, the acid from throwing up ate all the enamel off my teeth and I found myself with dentures at a young age. To say I have a hiatal hernia is a joke, but it helps pinpoint my problem in a nutshell when needed. That's just one small part of the problem. My esophagus and the lining leading into my stomach is scarred and there's a hole in the flap leading into the esophogus from spasms. That last time I saw a doctor about this, we decided to see if medicine could treat it alone. But I stopped taking it after I stopped hurting. After days of not digesting very well, I threw up violently for two days.

It's always a chore for me to digest something. Sometimes after each bite I have to walk it off. I've still not eaten anything solid since Monday. Simon made fruit salad and a small piece of pineapple got stuck, so I better stick to lots of liquids, maybe soup and jello and ice cream for now and ease into crackers, toast. It just takes so much out of me. I'm like a limp noodle with no strength at all.

I did some light blogging today and hope to get back up to speed real soon to see what's going on in your lives. Yea, I'm nosey like that. And I miss you, too.


Shirl said...

What a problem, Susan! Take it slow and easy. {{{hugs}}}

Karen said...

I sure hope something can be done to help you digest things and swollow without problems. How scary this must be for you and am glad you shared it. Hang in there, and take care of your dear self!! Love you!! *HUGS*