Thursday, June 24, 2004

Your S.P.O.T.
Some Buddhists (and others) have what's known as a SPOT: "Special Place of Tranquility" and it translates well to anyone at any spiritual level.

Basic SPOT items are:
prayer or meditation beads, amulets, candles, incense and holder, bells, crystals, and flowers. Incense takes the center of the alter/shelf/table, with a candle and a bell on the right and flowers on the left. Your SPOT should have a universal flavor that can also be individually customized.

You can chant, pray, meditate, or do a reading while lighting the candle, ringing the bell, or using the prayer beads in any order or rhythm that fits you. A minimal SPOT visit could just be ringing the bell and doing gassho (bowing with palms together), and you could have a more involved SPOT visit when something other than routine rolls around or mood dictates it. It can be as basic or grandiose as you wish.

Something I enjoy doing at home for my spiritual nourishment and thought you may want to make this a part of your day, too.

"Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatr rich smiles in sad hearts."
-Paramahansa Yogananda

1 comment:

Shirl said...

Happy Friday, Susan! I'm liking these posts over here at the other side of Susan! *grin* Have a lovely weekend! {{{hugs}}}