Thursday, June 3, 2004

An area pet owner left two black labs in a parked car with the windows up one day last week. A passerby noticed the trapped, hot dogs and eventually the Veterinary Hospital was alerted.

We saw later on the 6 O'Clock News a lab tech rubbing one of the dogs while in some type of blanket; probably to help bring it's body temp back to within normal limits. The reporter lays down some facts to the viewers that a car interior at around 80� would soar to 140� in fifteen minutes with the windows all shut. We're left to imagine horrific scenerios as that tidbit sinks in.

Sadly, last night's broadcast informed us that one of the dogs died. A real heartbreaker to hear of this preventable tragedy. Makes you wanna go hug your dog or parakeet or ferret, doesn't it? (hug your parakeet?) Actually, I can extend my arm about 3 feet and pat my dog, Buddy, on the head.

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