Wednesday, February 25, 2004

It's Ash Wednesday today which always reminds me of years ago going into work with ashes on my forehead (Episcopalian) and having to explain what it was about. The palms from Palm Sunday are gathered, saved and burned to ashes; almost a year later, we use them for the Ash Wednesday ceremony, if I remember it correctly. And soups suppers every Wednesday until Easter. We stopped going when Skyler became pagan. Which is fine since she's exploring her true feelings about everything now. I feel like as her Mother, I gave her the foundation of church, as happened to me. And now it's time to turn it over to her to do her own thing concerning religion.

I'm curious about Mel Gibson's, The Passion Of Christ. I can't wait to hear about it from others. Maybe I'll get a chance to go, too.

For those who wish to go across the water, may I be a boat, a raft, a bridge.
~The Way of the Shantideva

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